by franchiseadmin | Oct 17, 2018 | News
LaVida Massage would like to cordially welcome guests to our new location in Rochester Hills, MI. Bringing a completely serene atmosphere to you, local residents may now enjoy the numerous benefits that therapeutic massage can offer. This location specializes in...
by franchiseadmin | Oct 17, 2018 | Self-Care, Wellness
It’s been said that a healthy body makes for a healthy soul. But, some suggest that the exact opposite might be true. So often, we get caught up in the stress that everyday life – work, busy schedules, kids, relationships – brings on, that we don’t realize it actually...
by franchiseadmin | Oct 17, 2018 | Massage, Pain Relief
Maintaining a healthy balance in your fitness routine, and in the physical activity that comes with the chaos of everyday life, isn’t always an easy feat. Especially for those special men in our lives – anything from a casual morning run or workout to weekend yard...
by franchiseadmin | Oct 17, 2018 | Holidays, Massage, Self-Care, Wellness
The holiday season can be wonderful. But let’s face it, the season can also be busy… and for many, stressful! As your stress-less professionals, we have your ‘back’ — literally and figuratively. We are here to help you find balance, the...
by franchiseadmin | Oct 17, 2018 | Holidays, Massage
National Massage Therapy Week is October 25-31, 2015. It is an event sponsored by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) whose primary goal is to raise public awareness of therapeutic massage. Together, we encourage you to take extra time to care for your...
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