Dad Wants a Massage Too

When people think of the health and wellness industry, they think it is predominantly dominated by women.  Here at LaVida Massage, it is actually a 60-40 (women to men) split. We encourage all genders to take an interest in their self-care. Don’t let the stigma...

The Best Gifts for Mom

Mothers’ Day is just around the corner. Have you put off gift shopping because you’ve been too busy? Don’t fret! LaVida Massage has everything you need to give your mother a gift that she deserves! We took a poll from around the office to figure out what...

How LaVida Massage Can Help Relieve Stress

April is National Stress Awareness month and with the public issue of both mental and physical health, this is a great time to make sure both your mind and body are in the right place. LaVida Massage is the perfect place to help you alleviate any stress that is...