Time to Unwind and Relax

Father’s Day is a day to unwind and relax. A day to feel free from worries and do your own thing. At LaVida Massage, we make you feel; unwound, relaxed, and best of all, worry free all in one session! Massage therapy is exactly what the doctor ordered when you’re...

Steps to Keeping Your Fitness Resolutions

When spring rolls around, many of us are either struggling to keep our New Year’s fitness resolutions or just starting on a fitness regimen to prepare for summer. Resolutions are easy to make, but it is difficult to commit to a new habit without abandoning your...

Positive Thoughts, Healthy Body

It’s been said that a healthy body makes for a healthy soul. But, some suggest that the exact opposite might be true. So often, we get caught up in the stress that everyday life – work, busy schedules, kids, relationships – brings on, that we don’t realize it actually...