Steps to Keeping Your Fitness Resolutions

When spring rolls around, many of us are either struggling to keep our New Year’s fitness resolutions or just starting on a fitness regimen to prepare for summer. Resolutions are easy to make, but it is difficult to commit to a new habit without abandoning your...

Positive Thoughts, Healthy Body

It’s been said that a healthy body makes for a healthy soul. But, some suggest that the exact opposite might be true. So often, we get caught up in the stress that everyday life – work, busy schedules, kids, relationships – brings on, that we don’t realize it actually...

Massage and Wellness

Some call it “pampering”, others call it “therapeutic”… it used to be, massage originated with a reputation of being a luxury for those who loved being pampered. Today, through recent studies, massage has shown it has a wide variety of beneficial health benefits.  At...